My name is Peg Cheng and I am the Prelaw Guru.

How Prelaw Guru Can Help You

Peg Cheng founder of Prelaw GuruI’m Peg Cheng and I help people kick ass on their law school applications.

Here’s my story.

When I was hired at the University of Washington (UW) in 2003, my boss told me on my first day that I was doing prelaw advising and that was that. I knew nothing about prelaw or law school but over the next six years, I learned more than I ever thought I could, advised thousands of prelaw students, and ended up leading the most comprehensive prelaw advising program the University has ever seen.

In 2010, I left the UW to launch Prelaw Guru and for the next six years, I helped people from all walks of life reach their law school dreams.

It’s been deeply rewarding to help so many students succeed, but after 12+ years of prelaw advising, it’s time for me to move on to other adventures.

Take advantage of my expertise while you can!

Here are four ways I can help YOU.

Way #1

Follow me @prelawguru. Tweet or DM me your prelaw questions and I’ll tweet or DM back. If your question is longer, ask it using Way #2. Last day to ask me questions is Friday, July 1, 2016.

Way #2

Get your questions answered on the Prelaw Guru Blog. Find an article that corresponds to your issue, post your question in the comments box, and I’ll respond. Ask now or forever hold your peace! Last day to ask me questions is July 1, 2016.

Way #3

For concise, step-by-step tips on applying to law school, pick up my No B.S. Guides. Each one is a fast read, yet full of tips for creating a stellar application.

Way #4

Having a hard time writing your personal statement? Check out my class, Write Your Personal Statement in 7 Days. You’ll receive 24-7 access, online help, and feedback on your Top 5 topic ideas. Registration ends on July 11, 2016.

NOTE: I don’t offer law school application services for private clients anymore, but if you want to contact me for other reasons, you can find me here.

All rights reserved.